Principle of operation

The LUMiFuge is an analytical centrifuge that measures instantaneously the extinction of transmitted light across the full length of your sample using the STEP-Technology. It is the only instrument in the world that enables you to perform physically accelerated, direct and efficient stability testing and ranking of your formulations.
It features an advanced optical system enabling multi-sample analysis at user defined speeds, light intensities and temperatures. The optical blocks consist of high-powered special light sources of different wavelengths.
The parallel light illuminates the whole sample from top to bottom. Even the smallest changes across the entire sample height are detected by a sensor featuring high optical and spatial resolution. Immediate data collection ensures the ability to measure everything that occurs in your sample; no matter how simple or complex.
There is no need to dilute or to know any material constants; just input your samples and you have your results.

By looking at the fingerprint patterns of the whole sample, you can classify and understand the causes of instability, e. g. creaming, sedimentation or flocculation, as well as measure and rank stability. Use this knowledge to develop new formulations and optimize current ones easily.
You can analyse up to eight different samples simultaneously in a wide range of viscosities and virtually any concentrations at operator preset temperatures (+/- 0.5 K).
A truly one-of-a-kind feature also allows you to measure the separation behaviour and magnetic properties of micro- and nano particles in variable superimposed orthogonal or parallel magnetic fields in addition to the conventional sedimentation field. This provides you with the unique opportunity to analyse magnetic nano- and microparticles.
The LUMiFuge comes certified, factory pre-calibrated and is ready-to-go.